Arizona Mines For Sale
Some of the largest mines in America are in Pinal Co, AZ!! Preliminary Estimates: $3,589,951,180,967, surface to 100' precious metals per square mile! Easy access level …

Some of the largest mines in America are in Pinal Co, AZ!! Preliminary Estimates: $3,589,951,180,967, surface to 100' precious metals per square mile! Easy access level …
Fire Sale!!!!!!! Price Reduced to $200 Million from $500 Million For a Quick Sale!!!!!!! 160 unpatented acres on BLM land. Gold mine is located on the West Coast in USA. 43-101 report dated 2012 indicates $40+ billion in reserves. Gold 0.35+ ounces per ton.
Historic Gold Mine For Sale. Greater than 250,000 oz. 6 Contiguous patented claims in Washington State, USA. CANTERA DE AGREGADO. LOTE PARA VIVIENDA. CANTERA DE AGREGADO. LOTE PARA VIVIENDA. 50% off 1st Month. For Content Ads. Cancel Anytime. Coupon Code: 50PERCENT. Try it out! 50% off 1st Month. For Content …
For Sale. IOCG style alteration and mineralisation in drilling associated with a significant coincident magnetic and gravity high. Mineralised area extends for over 600m x 400m and is open in multiple directions. Mineralisation is both copper and REE rich, critical elements in IOCG deposit types. 134m (96-230m) @ 626 ppm Cu, 256 ppm Pb, 593 ppm Zn.
9 Patented claims encompassing 166 acres for sale or lease. The Rio Tinto/old Giroux property embraces 9 patented mining claims on a 166 acres adjacent to the town of Darwin, California. The Rio Tinto, Mammoth, Magnet, Mexican, Republic, Kingston and Toga 1,2 and 3. According to historical documentation from 1890-1908 mining produced …
• Grand Development Mining (Charlie Steen Of Uranium Fame) JV with Combined Metals 1964 to 1967 Developed and Mined Some Ore. Steen Introduced Trackless Mining. • Patrick Harrison & Co. Produced 1973 -1976, Subleased to Bunker Hill 1976-1978. Closed in Part Due to Slumping Zinc Prices.
Historic Gold Mine For Sale. Greater than 250,000 oz. 6 Contiguous patented claims in Washington State, USA. Historic Gold Mine For Sale. Greater than 250,000 oz. 6 Contiguous patented claims in Washington State, USA. 50% off 1st Month. For Content Ads. Cancel Anytime. Coupon Code: 50PERCENT. Try it out!
Summary. Total Resource Value over $1.6 Billion Dollars U.S. (based on $1300 Gold Spot). Patented Gold Mine For Sale with 6 contiguous lode claims (approximately 94.5 acres of Private Land, not BLM) Developed project with 4 adit access levels and 5 sublevels. 1,274,320 Gold ounces estimated.
Your 20 acres is the North 1/2 of the SE 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of Section 17, Township 1S, Range 11E, G&SR Meridian, known as the Hewitt Canyon Gold #4 mining claim, in …
Gold mining claims for sale in Nevada. 20-80 Acre gold mines for sale throughout Nevada. Placer, lode & mill site gold claims now available! BASE CAMP. GOLD CLAIMS. RESOURCES. SERVICES (775) 583-8537 Exclusive Mineral Rights. Claim Name Size & Type Commodity State Price; E. Fork Carson #2 40 Acre Placer
1. 2. We offer gold mining claims in Arizona for sale. View our list of the gold mining claims we have for sale here in Arizona. Don't hesitate to give us a call at 928-499-7228 if you have questions about a claim that interests you.
Gold claims sale. Yukon. New 10 year license, 30 claims grouped. 30 Claims. Learn More. Gold claims sale. Yukon. New 10 year license, 30 claims grouped. 30 Claims. Learn More. Patented Lode Claim. The Boundary Red Mountain Mine - Located in Whatcom County, Washington, USA.
Some of the largest mines in America are in Pinal Co, AZ!! Preliminary Estimates: $3,589,951,180,967, surface to 100' precious metals per square mile! Easy access level placer claims. Solid geology reports plus audited by a professional independent third-party geology doctorate expert! Commodities: Gold, Iridium, Iron Oxide, Palladium ...
A rich silver-lead-zinc proven mine in Mexico. We will be mining a large lead-zinc-silver, sulfide vein system with an average grade of 900g silver, 12.2% lead, 4.4% zinc per tonne. The mine contains a minimum of 250,000 tonnes, enough for 34 years of mining at 25 tonnes per day. Annual projected net profit, after tax, is $2.5m.
Price reduction available if buyer supplies their own equipment. Contact the owner directly or visit the Wounded Moose Gold Mine Website. Total Resource Estimate (M+I+I): 97,000 ounces aw gold or 82,000 ounces of Fine Gold 99.99%. ... 3 gold claims for sale on the famous Cheechako hill. This hill is one of the richest placer deposit of gold in ...
The Delano and Gold Note claims consist of 5 unpatented lode mining claims, covering 103.3 acres, on federal land managed by the U.S. Bureau of Land Management . The Delano District is a well-known silver-lead-gold district in NW Elko County, Nevada that produced metals every year from 1917 to 1966. Numerous large mining companies have …
Placer Mining Claims For Sale. ... This run off not only brought the water but also an abundant amount of gold from the unearthed ground from the 2021 Dixie Fire. This is a prime opportunity to get out there and find your fortune!! ... Three Claim Package Price!! $12,500: Granite Basin, Plumas County: Granite Basin Gold #3 - 50 …
The Barber Gulch Placer Claim is part of a claim block slated for commercial gold exploration and production. Gold is present at a grade sufficient to have a strong effect on the economics of an excavation project. The package is available for sale/lease or joint-venture. Sale Price: $137,700.00.
Price; E. Fork Carson #2 40 Acre Placer Gold: Sierra County, CA: ... Find a gold mine or gold claim for sale in NV, CA, and OR! Secure generational wealth for you and your family finding your very own gold ... BASE CAMP. GOLD CLAIMS. RESOURCES. SERVICES (775) 583-8537 ...
Gold claims sale. Yukon. New 10 year license, 30 claims grouped. 30 Claims. Learn More. Gold claims sale. Yukon. New 10 year license, 30 claims grouped. 30 Claims. Learn More. Historic Gold Mine For Sale. Greater than 250,000 oz. 6 Contiguous patented claims in Washington State, USA.
GoldAndSilverMines lists choice gold mines for sale and mineral properties for sale worldwide. We specialize in gold mines, silver mines, copper mines, and a wide variety of industrial minerals including coal, oil and gas. It is our desire to assist both buyers and sellers to secure a deal that makes everyone happy.
The MineData LLC. team has plenty of knowledge about mining to help with all your questions, Please don't hesitate to contact us. (928) 499-7228. A gold mining property …
Patented Gold Mine For Sale - USA. Previously Producing Patented Gold Mine for Sale in the USA. $1.6 Billion Estimated & Inferred Resources including 80,000 tons in Mill Tailings. Developed Project with 4 adit tunnels. 1,274,320 Gold ounces estimated. Estimated Monthly NOI of $6.3 Million based on 400 ton/day operation.
The sale price is valued in Mexican pesos. ... Tierra Yucatan (Tierra Maya del Sureste SA de CV) cannot be responsible for any discrepancies. Real Estate Agents in Merida, Yucatan, Mexico Phone: (52-999) 9-23-76-15 Calle 66 #417B x 47A y 49, Colonia Centro, Merida, Yucatan 97000
"Patented" Placer Gold Mine For Sale, The Eureka Placer Mines This 30 acre piece of paradise Is only 6 miles from Sumpter in the historic ghost town of Bourne, Oregon. ~ There Is Gold through-out | RealGeni ... Price: $ 395,000 Zip/Postal Code: 97877: Type: Recreational, Acreage: Area Acreage (acres): 30.00: State/Province: Oregon: City ...
The MineData LLC. team has plenty of knowledge about mining to help with all your questions, Please don't hesitate to contact us. (928) 499-7228. A gold mining property for sale right on the Hassayampa River. On …
The area is rich in gold mining history, beginning in 1910. Anvil Creek Claims – 860 Acres; Ophir Creek Claims – 720 Acres for a Total of 1580 Acres Anvil Creek is around 2 1/2 miles long. 5,000 lineal feet of creek channel ground left to be placer mined, along with 2 other known paystreaks.
Secure Your Share of Arizona's Gold Rush on this Expansive 20 Acre Placer Claim Near Yuma. $2,495.00. 172 reviews. This 20-acre placer claim, nestled in the Potholes Mining …
Huge Platinum, Gold, and Rare Earth Minerals mine available for purchase. The Partnership began exploring ancient lava flows in Idaho in 2001. The Partnership now controls over 2 square miles of unpatented mining claims on BLM lands. The Partnership has drilled, analyzed, and independently verified its findings with outside laboratories ...
Patented Gold Mine For Sale - USA. Previously Producing Patented Gold Mine for Sale in the USA. $1.6 Billion Estimated & Inferred Resources including 80,000 tons in Mill …
Gold Placer Claims For Sale - Yukon-Canada. 596 Claims Available. Area has been actively mined for 120 years. Remaining claims have had exploration drilling, trenching, and shafting done. 40 claims (20 creek claims and 20 adjoining bench claims) around the mouth of California Creek are currently under an option to purchase. Commodities: Gold.
Sale Price: $59,350,00. The Missoula Gulch Placer Claim is part of a contiguous block of approximately 1240 acres slated for commercial gold exploration and production. Gold is present at a grade sufficient to have a strong effect on the economics of an excavation project. The package is available for sale/lease or joint-venture.
Gold claims sale. Yukon. New 10 year license, 30 claims grouped. 30 Claims. Learn More. Gold claims sale. Yukon. New 10 year license, 30 claims grouped. 30 Claims. Learn More. 50% off 1st Month. For Content Ads. Cancel Anytime. Coupon Code: 50PERCENT. Try it out! 50% off 1st Month.
Gold, Turnkey, Equipment, Permits, Camp, Active. The area is rich in gold mining history, beginning in 1910. Anvil Creek Claims – 860 Acres; Ophir Creek Claims – 720 Acres for a Total of 1580 Acres Anvil Creek is around 2 1/2 miles long. 5,000 lineal feet of creek channel ground left to be placer mined, along with 2 other known ...
All filing and transfer fees are included in the price listed below. Yearly assessments are paid up through 9/1/2023. It's just $10 per year to maintain your claim with the BLM with a small miners exemption. Full ... New Gold Mines Go on Sale! Mountain Man Mining™ Sparks, Nevada. Questions? Feel free to call anytime: (775) 583-8537