ore processing slimes thickener price

Proven performance in mineral and ore processing …

harshest slurry pump services found in mining, mineral and ore processing, and flue gas desulfurization. The SLC Series is designed with a unique non-clogging cone spring that increases seal reliability and enables flushless operation for low operating costs. The premier seal for tough slurry applications The SLC advantage

Processing of Alumina-Rich Iron Ore Slimes: Is the Selective …

Beneficiation of alumina rich iron ore slimes is a major challenge for the Indian iron ore industry. Considering the limits of gravity and magnetic separation processes in the relatively finer size range in terms of achieving adequate separation efficiency, selective flotation (with and without selective flocculation) of iron ore slimes, …

Thickener Operating pH and Lime for Flocculation & Improved Settling

If, for some reason, the thickener's settling rate is too slow, as in the case of the grind being so fine or you are dealing with clay rich ore and now the concentrate stays in suspension. The thickener could be "sliming" and will produce a dirty overflow combined with a low density underflow. If this is ...

(PDF) Thickeners in iron ore processing

The tests indicate that the calculations for the solid-loading area need to be corrected by a multiplicative factor of 0.64 for slime thickeners and 1.3 for pellet feed thickeners. Discover the ...

Thickeners and Clarifiers

10 Paste thickeners Thickeners and clarifiers The 2nd Generation PT has a high sidewall and steep floor slope. With integrated automation, it reacts to changing process conditions. The thickener utilizes control based on consistent solids inventory to achieve and maintain the required underflow density.

Thickener,Concentrator,China concentrator price…

Technical Data. Weight : 1.8-204.6t Processing Capacity : 5.6-6250t/d Materials : Suitable for tailings dewatering and processing ore concentrate in ore processing plant. Application : Metallurgy, chemical industry, coal, nonferrous ore beneficiation, etc.

Settling characteristics of ultrafine iron ore slimes

The slurry settling characteristics are the most important to design a thickener in process industries. In this work, the iron ore slurry from the screw classifier overflow was used for the settling study. It was observed that the original slurry exhibited a low settling velocity and a turbid supernatant during the settling process. Commercial …

Minerals | Free Full-Text | Iron Ore Slimes Flotation Tests …

This work describes the concentration of iron ore slimes on a pilot scale by using a 500-mm diameter flotation column and a novel collector, which renders the use of a depressant unnecessary. The pilot column was operated in series with the industrial plant Vargem Grande 2 (Iron Quadrangle, Brazil) receiving, as feed, part of the underflow …

(PDF) IRJET-Fine particle processing of iron ore slimes from …

Key Words: Iron ore slime processing, Desliming, VPHGMS, WHIMS 1. INTRODUCTION Indian Iron ore occurs mostly as oxides in nature. The deposits are fairly well distributed in the states of Jharkhand, Chattisgarh, Orissa, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Goa and Andhra Pradesh [1&2]. The lack of consistency with respect to the ratio of Al2O3 to SiO2 make ...

thickener for mining plant

Our agitation and thickening equipment has completed the design of large-scale 100M3, 160M3, 320M3 inflatable flotation machine, we design and apply 15m large scale agitation tank and 12m crystal mixer on the mixing equipment, making up the original large mining mixing tank was imported from abroad . Get Price.

The Characteristics of Iron Ore Slimes and Their Influence on …

The flotation has been successfully applied to process the iron ore for the particle size (Ps) from 10 µm up to 150 µm. The presence of the slimes (Ps < 10 µm) is harmful on the reverse flotation of quartz, so they are usually prior removed by hydrocyclones.

Mineral Processing

Help your employees build a career in metallurgy with a full qualification in mineral processing: ... base metals, and lump ore beneficiation (diamonds, coal, and iron ore). Metallurgical skills are listed as a scarce skill, and a career in this field is dynamic and exciting as each mineral processing plant is unique. ... Thickeners: 252282 ...

Recovery of Iron Values from Iron Ore Slimes of Donimalai …

AbstractDuring production of calibrated (sized) ore, more than 50 % of the generated fines and rejects (Slimes) cannot be directly utilised in iron making due to its unfavourable granulometry, low iron content, high alumina and silica content. Approximately 10–20 % of the process plant input is discarded as slimes into slime ponds/tailing dams. Tailing …


With respect to dewatering slimes, thickening equipment is often used to concentrate the fine particles for further processing by other dewatering equipment which will then produce the final dewatered product. Over the years, nomenclature has been adopted that is specific to thickener functions in the mineral processing industries.

3 Common Problems and Solutions of Mining Thickeners

If the slurry contains too much slime (especially fine slime of 0.1-0.001μm), it is difficult to clear the overflow, which can also cause turbidity. ... The processing capacity of the thickener should refer to the related parameters of the cyclone, because the overflow amount of the cyclone is the ore supply capacity of the thickener. In ...

China Ore Thickener Tank Machine Supplier for Slurry, …

Product Discription of Thickener machine: The Thickener is suitable for dehydrating water of theconcentration and gangue in the concentrating factory, make the mash of 20-30% raise up to 40-70% about. The concentration machineis widely used for melting, chemical, coal, nonmetal concentration, environment protected etc. Thickener Machine is suitable …


Mineral Thickener. Capacity: 1.3-1140 t/24h. Application: dewatering process of concentrates and tailings in the mineral processing plant. Our thickener is specifically designed for the mineral processing industry and tailing processing. How It Works.

The Characteristics of Iron Ore Slimes and Their …

The presence of slimes in the beneficiation plants of the Iron Ore Quadrangle in Brazil have increased even more, reaching almost 40 million of tons per annum. Understanding the harmful e ect of these slimes on the iron ore flotation is a challenging and it can be useful to develop alternatives to

Minerals | Free Full-Text | The Characteristics of Iron Ore Slimes …

The flotation has been successfully applied to process the iron ore for the particle size (Ps) from 10 µm up to 150 µm. The presence of the slimes (Ps < 10 µm) is harmful on the reverse flotation of quartz, so they are usually prior removed by hydrocyclones. The main effects of the presence of slimes on the flotation are related to …

Coal slime water purification deep cone thickener | LZZG

There is a stirring device in the machine, and the concentration effect is good. The overflow concentration is less than 0.1 g/L, the underflow concentration is 252 g/L, the clarifying speed is 45 m/h, and the processing capacity is 850 m3/h. for clarification of slime water. The principle of the thickener to purify the ore washing sewage

Potash Flotation Process

Potash Flotation Process. Potash occurs in soft deposits generally associated with sodium chloride and varying amounts of clay slime, which because of its colloidal character, complicates the beneficiation process. Potash ores generally contain 20 to 40 percent KCL with the balance being NaCl and a small amount of clay slime, the …

ore concentrator deslime thickener manufacturer

Ore Processing Slimes Thickener Price mtc wallonie.be. Crusher Thickener ore concentrator deslime thickener manufacturer Mineral processing ore crusher price In the field of extractive metallurgy mineral processing also known as ore dressing is the A later example was the Cornish stamps consisting of a series of iron hammers .

Beneficiation Studies on Alumina-Rich Indian Iron Ore Slimes …

Alumina reduction in Rajhara iron ore slimes essentially involves separation of hematite from gibbsite in relatively coarser fraction and from kaolinite in the finer fraction. Selective dispersion flocculation studies on synthetic mixtures clearly indicated that while it was possible to achieve almost perfect separation of hematite from kaolinite using starch and …

Selective flocculation and floc-flotation of iron bearing mineral slimes

The mineral processing of friable iron ores usually generates ultrafine (smaller than 15 µm) particles, normally called slimes, which usually have a high iron grade and are usually disposed into ...

How to Remove Harmful Materials on Ore …

In the mining and mineral processing industry, ore handling or ore preprocessing, which may account for 30-60% of the total delivered price of raw materials, usually covers the processes of transportation, …

Processing of alumina-rich Indian iron ore slimes | Request …

The current washing practice results in three products, the coarser lump ores (-200-10 mm), classifier fines (-10 mm) and slimes (-0.1 mm). Due to high iron values, the coarser lump ores were ...

Thickening and Dewatering of Clay

Process the slimes in the thickeners at which stage flocculent would be required to achieve underflow densities of 50% or more (which should be achievable with the material you are processing). ... Assuming that your are processing iron ore (probably) Haematite with silica and alumina clays. Making pellets which requires concentrate fe should ...

Crushing and Grinding Wet & Sticky Ore

Soluble values such as copper sulphate can often be separated from the slime in a thickener and the clear overflow water passed over scrap iron for precipitation of the copper. The Wet Ore Processing Flowsheet. In the flowsheet illustrated the basic steps are shown for the average mill.

Processing of high alumina iron ore slimes using classification and

These slimes are readily available in finer size typically assaying 55–60% Fe and 6–8% alumina eliminating the need for crushing to finer sizes. This paper presents the research work carried out to recover Fe values with low alumina and silica content from high alumina iron ore slimes of India, using combination of hydrocyclone and flotation.

How a Thickener Works

How a Thickener Works. Thickening or dewatering may be defined as the removal of a portion of the liquid from a pulp or slime made up of a mixture of finely divided solids and liquids. The early methods of thickening employed plain, flat-bottomed tanks …

Modern mining thickener price for Sludge Separation

Mining Thickener Price For Mineral Processing, Low Cost Thickener Tank For Mineral Tailings. $9,600.00 - $10,000.00. Min. Order: 1 set. 15 yrs CN Supplier.

Thickener Operating pH and Lime for Flocculation

If, for some reason, the thickener's settling rate is too slow, as in the case of the grind being so fine or you are dealing with clay rich ore and now the concentrate …

Beginners guide to thickeners

Beginners guide to thickeners. Thickening is a process where a slurry or solid-liquid mixture is separated to a dense slurry containing most of the solids and an …

Measuring Settling Rates and Calculating Thickener Capacity

The following is an illustration of the method used in computing the area and depth required in a thickener to handle 100 tons of pulp per day, thickening from 6 parts fluid to 1 part solids down to 1.12 parts fluid to 1 part solids. Fig.7- Slime-Settling Data, Nipissing Low-Grade Mill, Cobalt, Ont.