Corundum | Properties, Formation, Uses » Geology …
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CorundumgeologyscienceIs corundum a gemstone?Corundum is a rock-forming mineral known for its hardness and its role in producing some of the world's most sought-after gemstones. As an aluminum oxide mineral, it is chemically designated as Al 2 O 3. The impurities present in corundum give rise to various precious gemstones, including ruby and sapphire.Corundum | Formula, Properties & Application
material-propertiesWhat is the chemical formula for corundum?Corundum has the chemical formula Al 2 O 3. Pure corundum is rare in nature, and is completely colourless. Small amounts of metallic elements such as Cr, Fe and Ti can substitute for aluminum in the structure, which gives rise to many colour variations. Some corundum even owes its colour to irradiation, or the elements vanadium, cobalt or nickel.Corundum | Earth Sciences Museum
uwaterloo.caWhat are the different types of corundum?Corundum is a mineral that occurs in a variety of colors and forms, each with its own unique properties and characteristics. Some of the most well-known types of corundum include: Ruby: Ruby is the red variety of corundum and is colored by the presence of chromium impurities.Corundum | Properties, Formation, Uses » Geology Science
geologyscienceFeedbackGeology of Corundum and Emerald Gem Deposits
WEBPrimary deposits are subdivided into two types: magmatic and metamorphic (figure 3). Magmatic deposits include gem corundum in alkali basalts and sapphire in …