best blast design for the quarry

Quarry excavation design and safe working practices

The Work at Height Regulations 2005 (WAH) are also relevant to safe quarry design and operation, and provide legal requirements to prevent the risk of falls of persons, vehicles and materials being thrown or tipped (WAH reg 10 (3)) from quarry faces. This is relevant to various unsafe quarry operating practices such as end tipping.

Holistic Approach to Define the Blast Design in Quarrying

In terms of environmental restrictions, the quarry required that of the blasts were below the vibration legal requirements, and that 80% of the blasts were below 40% of the maximum legal value, which working with a safety factor SF > 2. All blasts had to have an air blast below 130 dB and 80% below 120 dB as well.

Determining minimum burdens for quarry blasting

The use of Power Factor in blast design Using the rock type the designer can select the Powder Factor range suitable for the quarry. The face profiles will identify reduced burdens. Table below relates the explosives loading rate and the reduced burden to the expected 'In-Hole' Powder Factor (for a one metre section of 110mm diameter borehole)

Advances in design technologies in drill, blast and conveying …

Blast design and fragmentation assessment that is integrated with the quarry design software and the data from drilling, in particular major faults and dykes. …

Optimization of Blast Design for Quarries -A Case Study …

According to Jimenoet al. (1995), the design of any blasting plan depends on the two types of variables; uncontrollable variables or factors such as geology, rock characteristics, …


Our SHOTPlus™ range of blast design and modelling software enable users to design, visualise and analyse blast initiation sequences across surface mine, quarry and …

Best practices: Drilling and blasting | Pit & Quarry

Larry Mirabelli, senior manager at Buckley Powder Co., teamed with Bill Hissem, senior mining engineer at Construction, to deliver a presentation on drilling and blasting at the 2015 Quarry Academy hosted by Dyno Nobel and .. Mirabelli, who has more than 40 years of experience in explosives technology between Buckley …

The mechanics of rock breakage

Blasting Mechanics Revisited: The mechanics of rock breakage. Blasting directly controls the profitability of quarry operations because it is at the face that the production cycle begins. After decades of experimentation, blasters today have a good understanding of the key components to an effective blast.

Drill, blast targets lay solid foundation for partnership

Drill, blast targets lay solid foundation for partnership. They are the up-and-comers of the Queensland (and broader Australian) quarrying and civil construction scenes – family-run/owned, small to medium-sized enterprises with plenty of potential for growth and expansion. Further, they are more than holding their own with competing national ...

Blasting mechanics: Blasting design standards | #Site Title

2. u0007For hole firing instantaneously along a row, the KS should be equal to 2; 3. u0007For holes firing on a delay, the KS should be between 1.0 and 2.0 – and typically between 1.2 and 1.8. This is because the blasting is four-dimensional, as timing is a crucial part of the design.

Optimization of Blast Design for Quarries: A case study of …

July 2020. American Journal of Engineering Research 8 (8):84-92. Authors: Rasaq Ayodele Adeyemi. Federal University of Technology, Akure. Citations (2) References (18) …

Quarrying | Process and Equipment | Applications | Epiroc US

Quarry operators commonly design fragmentation blasts for safety, economy, ease of use at the primary crusher, and even public relations, but they often forget about quality. The blast layout must be properly engineered, documented …

Three reasons for oversized rocks in the primary crusher feed

The best way to deal with variation in rock mass structure is to define aggregate domains based on blastability and have an adequate drill and blast design for each area. Beyond the blasting polygon Problem: The blast design is well adapted to current aggregate conditions; all rules of thumb were respected and the blasting pattern …

Effective Quarry Blast Planning and Scheduling | Agg-Net

First published in the March 2015 issue of Quarry Management as Planned Improvement. Cost and productivity optimization through effective blast planning and scheduling. An optimized blast plan developed between one of Australia's largest aggregates companies and a multinational explosives supplier at a Queensland quarry …

Holistic Approach to Define the Blast Design in Quarrying

In this quarry, blasting consists of one or two rows of 10–12 holes per row. The length of the holes varies with the bench height, which ranges between 15 and 21 m. The quarry is usually drilled with two diameters 115 and 105 mm, and its correspond-ing grid. When drilling with 115 mm, the burden is 4 m and the spacing 5 m; when drilling

Engineering Geology Field Manual

In any blast design, the burden and the blast hole depth (or bench height) must be reasonably compatible. The rule of thumb for bench blasting is that the hole depth-to-burden ratio should be between 1.5 and 4.0. Hole depths. Figure 19-13.—Staggered blast pattern with alternate delays (blast hole spacing, S, is.

Blasting vibration limits for quarries and civil

Blast-induced ground vibration can be measured in three different ways: as acceleration, velocity and displacement. Acceleration is a measure of how quickly the …

Holistic Approach to Define the Blast Design in Quarrying

Abstract: A new approach to determine the most efficient blast design was proposed, taking the peak particle velocity (PPV) as the main constraint, while including costs, production, granulometry, air blast and carbon footprint as relevant characteristics.

Advances in design technologies in drill, blast and conveying

Blast design and fragmentation assessment that is integrated with the quarry design software and the data from drilling, in particular major faults and dykes. On-board GIS software that can track mobile equipment (either autonomously or by an operator) so that its location matches the design location.

Investigation of Some Blast Design and Evaluation …

The present paper highlights some important fragmentation issues experienced in the limestone quarry blast rounds. In light of these major issues, the paper outlines influence of a few important ...

(PDF) A practical method of bench blasting design for …

Evaluation of blast efficiency in quarrying of aggregate stones is one of the most important decisions that should be made by quarry operators for productivity assessment.

Operational safety for mining and quarrying

blast fume > radio communication 'black spots' > the expected weather conditions. 6.3.2 bLAST DeSIGN Blast designs will vary from site to site as different types of rock require different types of explosives to be effective. The blast design should be tailored for each blast, in view of the conditions on the site. To achieve success,

Optimization of Blast Design for Quarries -A Case Study …

value of the quarry is 154 MPa.The quarry uses equal dimension for its burden and spacing. The burden and spacing values are either 1.5 m or 2 m for a given blast design.The quarry's blasting patternsgivespowder factor that ranges between 0.625 – 0750kg/m2.However, when the blasting data was optimized using Langefor

Software Solutions for Better Blasting | E & MJ

Stereo photogrammetry profiling technology provides an accurate, safe and efficient way to profile the highwall and design an optimized blast pattern for improved blast performance," according to McClure. McClure, whose company represents 3GSM in North America, said BlastMetrix allows the user to optimize the blast design.

Empirical methods for the calculation of the specific charge …

Blast design for the excavation of concrete plug by heading in draft tube tunnel 1 and 2. REMOV AL OF CONCRETE PLUGS IN DRAFT TUBE TUNNELS 227 Downloaded by [University of California, San Diego ...

Quarry – Two Solutions In One

drIll and BlaST deSIgn Quarry's Drill and Blast module contains the ultimate set of tools for designing, planning and reporting on an open pit drill and blast pattern. The user has the flexibility to create and charge vertical or inclined holes using different user defined grid patterns. Pre-split holes can be

Holistic Approach to Define the Blast Design in Quarrying

In this quarry, blasting consists of one or two rows of 10–12 holes per row. The length of the holes varies with the bench height, which ranges between 15 and 21 m. The quarry is usually drilled with two diameters 115 and 105 mm, and its corre-sponding grid. When drilling with 115 mm, the burden is 4 m and the spacing 5 m; when

Holistic Approach to Define the Blast Design in Quarrying

on the geological conditions of the quarry. The blast design improv ement allowed one to reduce the specific consumption by almost 30%, 26% of the blast cost in terms of …


The muck pile fragmentation size distribution is a function of the blast design parameters and the specific explosive charge of each hole [6]. Cost decreased at an optimum fragmentation size in the surface mining operation and production [7, 8].The back bone of the blast results quality in surface mining is the

A Few Timing Concepts

THE FINAL DESIGN STEP Timing is one of the final design steps that can greatly improve blast results. When design, drilling and loading, as well as any other implementation of blast attributes, are near optimal, timing is a an aspect that makes a good blast great. Simple timing concepts applied in any situation make the most out of …

Statistical modelling of the blast design parameters

Mining and construction sites experience ecological consequences, such as ground vibrations and fly rock, owing to blasting activities. Apart from the traditional techniques, it is critical to determine the design parameters of a blast which influence the ground vibrations, created by the blasting activities, and to mitigate the effects of ground …

Blasting vibration limits for quarries and civil

In most civil construction blasting projects and some quarry sites, where measurement is conducted in the near field (ie the distance to the monitor is comparable to the blast dimensions), a good blast designer can use advanced blasting techniques to channel vibration frequencies above 35Hz and thus the limit of 25mm/s would apply.

Explosives Engineers' Guide

Blast volume (V) = B x S x BH x N Blasted tonnes (T) = 3V x Density of rock in t/m Volume of blasthole (Vb) = π x D2/4000 x L Mass of explosive per hole (kg) = Volume of hole length charged x Explosive density PF (kg/m3) = Total explosives in the blast/blast volume PF (kg/t) = Total explosives in the blast/blasted tonnes

Health and safety at quarries. The Quarries Regulations 1999.

ISBN: 9780717663354. Series code: L118 (Second edition) Download a free copy (PDF) Buy this product. This document contains an Approved Code of Practice and other supporting guidance on the duties in the Quarries Regulations 1999. The Regulations aim to protect those working at a quarry and others who may be affected by quarrying …

Blast Design

SHOTPlus™ Tunnel Flyer - Blast design software for civil and mining tunnels. Download now. Achieve better quality blast outcomes with our advanced 3D blast design tool. BlastIQ™ eliminates excess drilling and explosives consumption through design optimisation – an innovation built for efficiency and cost reduction.