ore milling cost per tonne

Break Even Analysis – How to Calculate the Cut-Off Grade

Mining Costs per Tonne (OPEX) – $150 Current Price per Ounce – $1,500 Cut-Off Grade (ounces per tonne) – ($150 / $1,500 =) 0.10 ounce / tonne Cut-Off Grade (grams per tonne) – (0.10 x 28.349523125 =) 2.835 grams / tonne. I have also included an example to find the hypothetical cut-off grade for a pound of copper (which is actually the ...

Copper mines becoming more capital-intensive and costly to …

The former has costs ranging from $1-2 per kilogram, compared to $3-6 per kg for the latter. Moreover, copper extraction is said to be profitable when the selling price of copper is above $6 per kg ($6,000/tonne) and unprofitable when the price falls below $3,000/tonne. At a current price of $7,162 per tonne (3.24/lb or $7.16/kg), copper …


Tel (+44) (0) 141 308 3781. The Coalition for Energy Efficient Comminution (CEEC) has been established and is supported by a broad range of mining sector companies keen to accelerate awareness, knowledge transfer and, by implication, improve energy and cost outcomes in the substantive area of comminution.

ore milling st per tonne

cost of milling a ton of ore ê stone crusher 400 600 cost of milling a ton of ore leengemakkelijknl Economic of Copper Processing SlideShare Jun 23, 2013 Ef ore milling st per tonne T21:09:43+00:00


The objective of the analysis is to provide a detailed inter-facility comparison of the cost per kilotonne mined and processed, split into costs per unit of energy and energy consumed per kilotonne for the following: Open-Pit Mining Nine mining operations will be compared – all operations, including the transport of ore to the crusher.

Costs and net profit Given the following | Chegg

Question: Costs and net profit Given the following information. Left pit wall overall slope angle: 52 Underground total mining cost: $37.50 /tonne Surface mining cost: $21.25 /tonne Surface stripping cost: $3.90 /tonne of waste Density of ore: 2750 kg/m3 S.G. of waste: 1.8 Strike length of orebody: 485 m Grade of gold ore: 8.2 g/tonne Dilution: 0 % …

Cost Accounting in Mining

The results of the cost-sheet, such as the total cost of mining, cost of milling, per ounce and per ton, together with other items of general interest, are plotted into graphic curves. These form very interesting and instructive diagrams, one of which is shown in Fig. 1. ... The upper line represents the average value of the ore in dollars per ...

Mine size and the structure of costs

The costs of mining and milling per tonne of ore milled (but not necessarily the total cash costs per tonne of metal produced), tend to be higher in underground than open-pit mining. That is demonstrated by the scatter diagram in Fig. 18, which separately plots the costs of mining and milling for individual underground and open-pit mines in ...

Equinox Gold Announces Positive Feasibility Study for Castle …

The current operation consists of a run-of-mine ("ROM") heap leach facility placing 12,700 tonnes of ore per day ("t/d"). Phase 2 will expand ROM heap leaching and incorporate milling of higher-grade ore, increasing production to an average of 218,000 oz per year for 14 years followed by leach pad rinsing to recover residual gold.

Ore sorting the road to optimizing your operation

Sensor-based ore particle sorting can be used to pre-concentrate ROM ore feed, SAG Mill scats and low grade or waste stockpiles. Plant throughput increase, reduced operating costs and mine optimization should be considered in evaluating sorting as well as increased recovery in flotation and leach circuits. The economic benefit to the operation ...

Rising gold mining costs Q1'21| Gold Focus

Costs in the gold mining industry increased for the second consecutive quarter in Q1'21, with the global average All-in Sustaining Cost (AISC) up by 5% q-o-q to US$1,048/oz, reaching its highest level since …

Cost of Producing Concentrates from Ore

The operating staff is thus reminded that maximum efficiency results from minimum cost per ounce of metal rather than minimum cost per ton of ore, which …

Copper Mountain Mining Announces a 57% Increase in …

Total ore mined is expected to be 652 million tonnes and total waste mined is expected to be 1,356 million tonnes, with a strip ratio of 2.08:1. ... milling cost per tonne milled of $3.87 and G&A ...

A unified metric for costing tailings dams and the …

On a straight-line cost model for the annualized average TSF LOM capacity, the TSF closure cost is $0.126 per tonne dry material deposited. The end of mine life timing of that closure cost reduces that 0.126 cents to a present cost of $16.2 to fund of it today at the 7.24% discount rate, or an annualized payment of $2.05m or $0.04 per …

Bridging the gap: Understanding the economic impact of ore …

The hard rock mining industry faces rising energy costs, falling ore grades, tightening environmental regulations, and shrinking access to resources. ... because sorting allows a mine to either increase throughput at the same cost per ton or reduce costs while maintaining production ... Milling costs ($/t milled) 0.50: 0.50: 0.50: 0.50: 0.50 ...

The world's highest grade gold mines

The cost per tonne of getting the high grade and the low grade ore to the surface is the same and unaffected by the grade. Higher grades just mean you can have high costs and still make money ...

Bulk shipping cost breakdown?

As a breakdown of bulk shipping cost, we estimate a cost of $2.5 per ton per 1,000-miles, and a CO2 intensity of 5kg per ton per 1,000-miles. ... Of this dry bulk, c25% is iron ore, 20-25% is coal, c10% is grain, while the remaining 40-45% spans other metals and materials. Economic modelling. This data-file models the economics of bulk carriers ...

Mining operating costs of open-pit and underground.

Context 3. ... it shown in Fig. 2, the total operating cost for direct operating and maintenance supplies and labour for stope and production development, room and pillar mining has …


English short ton units, is 4.88 TO." Optimum mine tonnage rate T = r Dy, (6.3.1) where T is short tons (2000 Ib) of ore mined or milled per operating day, Tr is estimated short tons …

3.2.8: The Concept of a Cutoff Grade | GEOG 000

M&P cost = mining & processing cost, $/T; SP = selling price of the copper, $/lb; D = dilution; R = plant recovery; G = grade; Let's use some numbers. Assume the following: we have a dilution of 5%, a plant recovery of 92%, a mining and processing cost of $6.80/ton and a selling price of $0.74/lb. Be careful with the units!

Aluminium PRICE Today | Aluminium Spot Price Chart | Live …

Historical Prices for Aluminium. Feb. 04 2021 Mar. 05 2021. ... USD per Ton 4/22/24 10:01 AM ... Russia and the USA, while the most significant aluminium ore deposits can be found in Australia ...

Operating Costs of Gold Processing Plant

The cost data above referred to has been compiled from actual operating results and shows the cost of milling both for the old 50-ton plant and the new 100 ton …

Cost of Stoping for Underground Mining

The milling cost of run-of-mine ore is taken as $2.85 and the cost of milling the sorted product is $3.22 per ton. The mill recovery on the unsorted ore is estimated at 80 percent, and the recovery on the sorted ore is 87 percent. The profit per ton of ore without sorting is shown in the following calculation:

Crusher Operating Costs: How to Optimize and Reduce

It is assumed that power is charged to the plant at the rate of 0.75d. per kilowatt-hour in the case of the smallest plant, decreasing as the capacity increases to a minimum of 0.5d. per kw.-hr. for the largest. The power consumption of a machine or installation is usually expressed in kw.-hours per ton as being the most convenient …

Minerals | Free Full-Text | Sensor-Based Ore Sorting …

The advantages gained include a smaller sorting plant footprint and considerably improved mill performance through the reduced consumption of energy, water, and chemicals per ton of final product. The applied XRT sorters have an operation width of 2.4 m, which allows processing of the feed of 13.5 million tons annually with …

Cash Operating Cost Per Tonne Ore Milled

Define Cash Operating Cost Per Tonne Ore Milled. means, for any period, without duplication, the on-site operating costs in respect of all operational and maintenance costs during such period for mining, milling, administration, power and reclamation calculated on a per tonne of ore milled basis but excluding such costs and mill production …

Cut-Off Grades For Mineral Resource Reporting: Going The …

Ore operating cost reflects multiple concentrating stages whose unit costs are measured in different denominations, such as: process costs per tonne of mill feed, mining costs …

Mine size and the structure of costs

The costs of mining and milling per tonne of ore milled (but not necessarily the total cash costs per tonne of metal produced), tend to be higher in underground …

ore milling cost per tonne

ore milling cost per tonne - kebabfusion.in Ore Milling Cost Per Tonne. Jul 09, 2020· milling cost per ton - DBM Crusher - basicslab. cost of milling a ton of ore .za. cost of milling a ton of ore. b capital corp Maritime Resources Corp. Mar 2 2017 The CA$1481 NSR for the reserve material was calculated using an allin costs of 138 per tonne of …

Cost Curves — Revaluate

As the cost to mine waste is less than the mining and treatment costs for the ore, the cost per tonne are likely to be higher for the latter case, if all other factors are equal. ... for a given tonnage, are those cases where metal is produced on site, particularly SXEW. Again mill treatment costs can be subtracted from the total operating ...