Digital Strategies for Power Plant Optimization
The system consolidates several data sources including plant equipment, power meters, field flow instruments, and real-time and day-ahead fuel price information (including ultralow-sulfur diesel ...

The system consolidates several data sources including plant equipment, power meters, field flow instruments, and real-time and day-ahead fuel price information (including ultralow-sulfur diesel ...
4.1 Power Plant Performance Analysis Result of Co-firing Optimization on HHV V ariable Based on the data in T able 2 and T able 4, it is found that the optimization results on the
Performance Optimization of a Gas Turbine Power Plant Based on Energy and Exergy Analysis. January 2016. Mahdi Ghamami. Abolfazl fayazi barjin. Saeed Behbahani. The purpose of this study is ...
Mehran Jafari is currently a Ph.D. candidate at Cyprus University of Technology. He received both his bachelor and master of science degrees from Semnan University in 2016 and 2019, respectively. His research interests are numerical methods for power systems simulations and modeling and optimization of renewable energy systems.
Real-time monitoring and optimization of geothermal operations require a reliable predictive model that incorporates the thermodynamic and thermoeconomic behavior in the power plant. The effect of ambient temperature on an air-cooled binary cycle power plant is complex and costly to model using a physics-based predictive model.
In each case, the total load was optimally dispatched between committed generating units using Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO). Similarly, the generation cost for each generating unit was ...
This paper deals with the optimization of the flow of technological jigs at the workplace of the paint shop in a company that is oriented to the automotive industry. The design of an optimal solution will be verified using the selected …
Joint Scheduling Optimization of Virtual Power Plants and Equitable Profit Distribution Using Shapely Value Theory Zhong-fu Tan, 1,2 Huan-huan Li, 1 Li-wei Ju, 3,4 and Qing-kun Tan 1
Virtual power plant adopts advanced communication mode and software system to aggregate distributed generation, energy storage system, controllable load, electric vehicle and a variety of distributed energy, so that it has sufficient capacity and stable output [].Like generation side distributed generation, demand side resources …
This paper deals with the optimization of the flow of technological jigs at the workplace of the paint shop in a company that is oriented to the automotive industry. The design of an …
Collaborative operation optimization of distribution system and virtual power plants using multi‐agent deep reinforcement learning with parameter‐sharing …
Summary. This chapter describes the thermodynamic modeling, analysis, and optimization of steam power plants, gas turbine (GT) plants, and combined cycle …
The opti-mization software includes modeling of these contract features and predicts the plant rev-enues and expenses as operations change. The interaction of price levels and plant perform-ance is a key feature of the optimization. The procedure to perform an upgrade analysis is: Build a plant performance model.
The objective of the Sishen Expansion Project (SEP), i.e. the jig plant, was to produce 10 Mt/a of saleable product with six modules to the set physical and chemical specifi-cations by 2009. During the start of construction, it was decided to add another two jig modules to the plant to increase production to 13 Mt/a.
developed optimization process, other optimal operating parameters (steam pressure and condenser pressure) were identified. The developed system was demonstrated for the case of a 282 MW CCGT power plant with a typical design for commercial combined cycle power plants. The optimized combined cycle was compared with the regular CCGT plant.
The need for future sustainable energy and better transmission efficiency has advocated the large-scale integration of distributed energy resources (DER) in the utility network. The high penetration of DERs such as solar PV can potentially result in serious issues such as reverse power flow, voltage fluctuations, and utility revenue loss. The …
Wolf Optimization, Dragony Optimization, Grasshopper Optimization and Whale Optimization Algorithms are used optimization at dierent iterations and population sizes. The numerical result of the system may be utilized for designing the hydroelectric power plants and planning the maintenance strategies.
The manipulation of Tsp SH and Tsp Air led to a power plant efficiency improvement from 38.3% to 40.23%. This efficiency improvement translates to a fuel saving of 3.78%, with the fuel flow rate decreasing from 56.38 kg/s to 54.25 kg/s. The carbon footprint of the plant also decreased from 0.8 kg/kWh to 0.77 kg/kWh.
Abstract. This article deals with the design optimization of the micro-hydropower plant. This mini-power source is designed as an additional power source for small recreational objects or remote places with access to a water stream of flow rate approximately 0.4 m 3 /s. A paddle wheel with 3 m diameter is welded from sheet metal.
This paper deals with the optimization of the flow of technological jigs at the workplace of the paint shop in a company that is oriented to the automotive industry. …
Table 1 provides this comparison for a range of Plant powers between 22 and 55 MW (2600- 5800 CFS) which, on average, accounts for roughly 5/6 of the time the plant spends generating. It shows that on average about a 2.3% improvement is expected over the 22 to 55 MW plant operating range.
The average life of the combined cycle power plant is 20 years. The power plant is in operation 7500 hours a year. Price of natural gas is cf = 0.0467 $/kWh. The installed costs of the economizer, evaporator, superheater, and reheat sections of the HRSG are 45.7, 34.8, 96.2, and 56.2 $/m2, respectively, [1].
The primary function of the steam generation system is to convert chemical energy. bound in the fuel to produce steam at high pressure and temperature. Steam is a key work. fluid in the indust ry ...
This paper assesses the optimal design criteria of a flexible power and biomass to methanol (PBtM) plant, conceived to operate both without green hydrogen addition (baseline mode) and with hydrogen addition (enhanced mode), following an intermittent use of the electrolysis system, which is turned on when the electricity price …
For evaluating the exergy and performing the optimization process, Zarand Power Plant in the Kerman Province was selected as a case study. Zarand is a Rankine cycle steam power plant, which enjoys two similar units each with a capacity of 30 MW. The flow diagram of the power plant is shown in Figure 1. The inlet water of the boiler …
Mr Abdul Samad bin Abdul Wahab, General Secretary of Union of Power and Gas Employees, Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen, 1. Good afternoon. Thank you for inviting me to the opening ceremony of the Centralised Power Plant Simulator, or CPPS – I will call it 'plant simulator'. 2.
A virtual power plant (VPP) can aggregate distributed renewable energy and flexible load to participate in the electricity market as a virtual controllable assembly.
You need a unique optimization approach for your plant. Our innovative packages are effective for any and all of your requirements. Your entire fleet. Your plant. Your turbine. Your boiler. Whatever it is, protecting your investments can be a challenge. Working with utilities to integrate power plant optimization, we help you meet these demands.
The optimization of photovoltaic solar power plants location in Atacama Desert, Chile, is presented in this study. The study considers three objectives: (1) Find sites with the highest solar energy potential, (2) determine sites with the least impact on the environment, and (3) locate the areas which produce small social impact. To solve this …
This improved control system is used to modulate the amplitude and the frequency of the jig cycle. These two prime parameters are optimised with respect to feed characteristics for …
The objective of the Sishen Expansion Project (SEP), i.e. the jig plant, was to produce 10 Mt/a of saleable product with six modules to the set physical and chemical specifi-cations by 2009. During the start of construction, it was decided to add another two jig modules to …
This review article shows basic information about the concentrated power plants and researchers' recent studies done in the field of solar tower power plants. It is noticed through the research ...
The optimized power output and coal calorific value are evaluated as 659 MW and 3667 kcal/kg with 150 particle sizes. The maximum value of plant efficiency, 41.643%, and exergy efficiency, 39.8347%, with a minimum cost of electricity of 3.1456 INR/Unit, are evaluated in the present study.
The hybrid power of PV–CSP depends on the TES of CSP plants to cooperate with PV power plants. In hybrid power, CSP plants operate at a low. CRediT authorship contribution statement. Ling-gang Kong: Conceptualization, Project adminstration. Xin-long Chen: Methodology, Software, Validation. Jing-hu Gong: Writing …
The present study concerns a combined cycle power plant with a single level HRSG, the main goal being the development of a mathematical model to find the optimal …
Keywords: operation cost optimization, strategic planning, optimization, raw material procurement, life cycle assessment. 1. INTRODUCTION. Iron and steel making requires a wide range of different raw materials which are significantly influencing process performance resulting in a demand for a continuous optimisation of process routes.
Also, optimization parameters for the Genetic algorithm are shown in table 5. The range of optimization parameters has been decided based on other researchers' work [51], [52], [54], [66] and commercially available equipment. The range of fuel mass flow rate is based on the anticipated power generation of the hybrid system.
Mixed-integer optimization has also been applied to include routing and location problems into the optimization process, e.g. for biodiesel [18] and power plant operation [19]. However, in the ...
This paper demonstrates the use of a combined software package including IPSEpro and MATLAB in the optimisation of a modern thermal cycle. A 900 MW power plant unit (operating at ultra …