waste stripping mining

Surface mining

Types. There are five main types of surface mining as detailed below. Strip mining The Bagger 288 is a bucket-wheel excavator used in strip mining.. Strip mining is the practice of mining a seam of mineral, by first removing a long strip of overlying soil and rock (the overburden); this activity is also referred to as overburden removal.It is most commonly …

Open Pit Mining | IntechOpen

Also, the ratio of the total volume of waste to the total volume of ore is defined as the overall stripping ratio. A lower stripping ratio means that less waste has to be removed to expose the ore for mining which generally results in a lower operating cost . The major types of stripping ratios are overall, instantaneous, and break-even.

IAS 16 — Accounting for production phase stripping costs in the mining

"A stripping campaign is a systematic process undertaken to gain access to a specific section of the ore base, that is a more aggressive process than routine waste clearing activities. This stripping campaign is planned in advance and forms part of the mine plan.

Chapter 4: Mining waste

The amount of waste rock that needs to be removed depends on the geometry and location of the ore body, mining method and the composition and stability of the bedrock. The …

Stripping Costs in the Production Phase of a Surface Mine

1 In surface mining operations, entities may find it necessary to remove mine waste materials (overburden) to gain access to mineral ore deposits. This waste removal activity is known as 'stripping'. 2 During the development phase of the mine (before production begins), stripping costs are usually capitalised as part of the depreciable cost of

Venetia Diamond Mine

Venetia is a conventional open-pit mine. Surface mining is expected to carry on for some 20 years and, as the mine becomes deeper, the feasibility of underground operations are being investigated. The targeted pit floor level was at a depth of 400m. A re-evaluation of the pit design undertaken during 1998 reduced the waste-stripping …

Decarbonisation to drive dramatic increase in mining …

Mine waste rock is the material excavated to access the ore, whereas preconcentration waste rock is the material mined with the ore but separated from it prior …

Calculating Stripping Ratios for Area Strip Mines

Two major technical constraints involved in the determination of such schedule are: (i) the feasible combinations of ore and waste production (stripping ratio), and (ii) the ore production rate that meets the mill feed requirements. Optimization methods have long been used to improve mine design and life-of mine production schedules [1–12].

2012 Americas School of Mines

Open pit mining results in two waste streams: waste rock which contains no economic quantity of minerals but which must be removed to gain access to the orebody, and tailings ... million of mobile mining equipment will be ordered in 2007 to permit waste stripping to commence in 2009. Source: Teck Cominco 2006 Annual Report. PwC Cortez Gold Mine ...

Task 3.14.1 Evaluation of stripping techniques

To calculate the effective stripping ratio of each coal seam see Figure 1. The effective stripping ratio is derived from dividing a coal seam overlaying waste material thickness in meters by the coal seam thickness in meters. List the depth from surface to the top of each coal for the depth below surface.

Stripping Ratios: What are They and Why are They …

January 19, 2016. A strip ratio, or stripping ratio, is an important measurement related to the open-pit mining process. It represents the amount of waste material, also known as overburden, that must be moved in order to extract a given amount of ore. However, stripping ratios are not only about the volume of unwanted material present at a site.

Surface Mining Methods and Systems | SpringerLink

The group of transport-less mining systems, where the transfer of the rock from a face to an internal waste (lump is performed by stripping excavating machines …

Stripping Ratios: What are They and Why are They Important?

April 10, 2018. A strip ratio, or stripping ratio, is an important measurement related to the open-pit mining process. It represents the amount of waste material, also known as overburden, that must be moved in order to extract a given amount of ore. That said, stripping ratios are not only about the volume of unwanted material present at a ...

Capital to take on open-pit waste mining at

Capital Limited has entered a conditional open-pit waste mining services contract with Sukari Gold Mines and has also expanded and extended its existing drilling contract with Sukari. Sukari is the operating company for the Sukari gold mine, in Egypt, one of the largest gold mines in Africa and the principal asset of Centamin. Collectively, …

Rock-to-Metal Ratio: A Foundational Metric for Understanding Mine …

where for mineral commodity i and mining operation j, O is the quantity of ore mined, W is the quantity of waste rock removed, M is the quantity of mineral commodity produced at the mine after beneficiation (i.e., mass of the commodity contained in a concentrate), R is the overall recovery rate during smelting and (or) refining (referred to …

Understanding When Costs Associated with …

Most open-cast mines require the removal of overburden and waste material to access the underlying orebody. This activity is known …

Is the strip ratio still an important factor in open …

So now let us further assume the price of ore is R25/t and the unit cost of mining ore, hard waste and soft waste material is R10/t, R7.5/t and R2.5/t respectively.

Decarbonisation to drive dramatic increase in mining waste…

These projections show that, under a business-as-usual situation in the mining sector, the global amounts of mining waste are likely to increase exponentially as the global energy transition progresses. Taking the rough estimate of 200 Gt of global historical tailings, copper alone would increase this amount by 150%.

IFRIC 20 — Stripping Costs in the Production Phase …

Back­ground In surface mining op­er­a­tions, entities may find it necessary to remove mine waste materials ('over­bur­den') to gain access to mineral ore deposits. This waste removal activity is known as 'stripping'. There can be two benefits accruing to the entity from the stripping activity: … See more

Stripping Ratio in Open-Pit Mining, Types of | SpringerLink

Stripping ratio is the ratio of the volume of waste rock stripped off to the volume of ore exploited during the process of surface mining. It indicates the volume of waste rock required to be stripped for mining per cubic ore. Stripping ratio (see Fig. 1) is an important technical-economic indicator in open-pit mining, which reflects the ...

Ultimate pit optimization with environmental …

Step 4: Increase the attributed unit ecological costs to the corresponding original unit costs of coal mining, unconsolidated waste stripping, and rock stripping. …

Solved calculate the average basic production costs (Tp1 and …

Question: calculate the average basic production costs (Tp1 and Tp2) and the economic limit for the stripping ratio based on the following data ore reserves mined per year=1mt ore mined year 1=1mt waste mining costs year 1 and 2=R60/t ore mining costs=R85m/t Waste mined year 1=1mt waste mined year 2=3mt. Here's the best way to solve it.

Orapa mine's Cut 3 waste stripping project could start in 2027

22nd April 2022. By Obusitse Kologwe. Debswana's (OLDM) Orapa Letlhakane and Damtshaa Mines Cut 3 project waste stripping is anticipated to start in 2027 as per the study by the mining company's Resource Development Plan (RDP). This was revealed by Debswana Corporate Affairs Manager (External) Agatha Sejoe when responding to the …

Break-even stripping ratio | Britannica

The break-even stripping ratio is a function of ore value and the costs involved. If the break-even stripping ratio remains favourable, further cuts into the hillside will be made. Otherwise, if there are sufficient reserves under the knob of the hill, the coal may be recovered by underground mining or by augering.

(PDF) Open Pit Mining

Open pit mining is defined as the method of extracting any near surface ore. deposit using one or more horizontal benches to extract the ore while dumping. overburden and tailings (waste) at a ...

Radioactive Waste From Uranium Mining and Milling | US EPA

Radiation Facts. Regardless of how uranium is removed from rock, the extraction process creates radioactive wastes. If not managed properly, mining waste and mill tailings can contaminate the environment. Uranium is a naturally-occurring radioactive element that has been mined and used for its chemical properties for more than a …

a Surface Mine Stripping Costs in the Production …

A mining entity may continue to remove overburden and to incur stripping costs during the production phase of the mine. The material removed when stripping in the production …

Basics of Mining Accounting – Canada Mark Patterson …

o Development of mine plan and reserve estimation • Initial waste stripping activities often begin in the development phase. • The Development phase spans from termination of E&E to the beginning of Production. 23 15th Americas School of Mines May 16, 2012

Solved 5- Your Company is contemplating mining a …

5- Your Company is contemplating mining a perfectly horizontal tabular orebody having a true height of 16 m.Given the pit section and information shown below, calculate the maximum allowable (footwall) length of the ore (the distance shown on the diagram) that could be economically mined using surface mining methods, i.e. the point where SR Q = …

Mining Waste Management and Disposal Methods

Mining produces a lot of waste which should be disposed of properly. Improper waste disposal leads to soil, water and air pollution. There are various types of mining. They include coal mining, metal, landfill mining, oil and gas extraction and non-metal ore mining. This means there are also different types of mining waste. These …

Mining Solid Wastes | SpringerLink

In strip mining of coal and lignite, by far the major surface mining method of these materials, the mining operations are designed and planned such that the …


Mining - Strip, Open-Pit, Quarrying: It has been estimated that more than two-thirds of the world's yearly mineral production is extracted by surface mining. There are several types of surface mining, but the three most common are open-pit mining, strip mining, and quarrying. These differ from one another in the mine geometries created, the techniques …

Chapter Open Pit Mining

Keywords: open pit mine, slope stability, mine reclamation, stripping ratio, production cycle 1. Introduction Open pit mining is defined as the method of extracting any near surface ore deposit using one or more horizontal benches to extract the ore while dumping overburden and tailings (waste) at a specified disposal site outside the final pit ...

3.2.6: Maximum Allowable Stripping Ratio (SRmax) | GEOG …

3.2.6: Maximum Allowable Stripping Ratio (SRmax) Earlier in this lesson, we looked at the maximum stripping ratio, and we did it for coal seam. You will recall that the maximum allowable stripping ratio, SR max, also called break-even stripping ratio, is the maximum amount of overburden/waste that can be extracted per unit of ore at the ...

BlueRock ramps up waste stripping

Aim-listed diamond producer BlueRock Diamonds reports that waste stripping increased in December as mining activities at its Kareevlei diamond mine, in Kimberley, South Africa, returned to normal ...